Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cashier Profiling

Call me crazy, but I cashier profile. I'm not kidding. Not all cashiers are created equal! There are two things to look for in a cashier...

1. Young
2. Male

Yep, that's pretty much it. Young, male cashiers are so much less hassle than old grouchy cashiers. I never try to use a coupon for a product that won't work (watch for an upcoming article on coupon fraud) Everything I get is perfectly valid, legal and within that stores coupon policy. However I have had to face off with a cashier a time or two. Once I had a cashier tell me "I wish they would just stick all these coupons up their rear!" I just smiled politely and then walked my happy self up to the service desk and asked to speak to the manager. Needless to say he was pretty hot about the situation.

The point is always look for the cashier that is going to be the most friendly and helpful. Otherwise you might be standing in a line with an old hag squinting through her glasses to read the fine print on each coupon, all while your toddler is trying to bail out of the cart and spin the rack with the bags, yes, it's happened!

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