First let me tell you this isn't about couponing. It's about changing how we shop. Be a smarter shopper. We are going to find the best deals out there to help save our families the most money.
Here's how we are going to do it.
- Start small. Clip a couple coupons on products you are going to buy anyway. Make sure to bring them with you when you go shopping and try it out.
- Watch for sales. Using coupons on a sale item makes it even cheaper.
- Size Matters! Bigger isn't always better. Use coupons on the smallest size available for the most savings. For example: If you have $1 off Any Secret Deodorant buy the small $1 bottle. You can use it on the larger one but why when you could get it completely free!
- Don't be a brand snob. To get the best deals you are probably going to have to use different brands from time to time. I always joke and say my favorite brand is whatever is on sale. You'll always have a couple items that you prefer over others. For me it's toilet paper. I love Angel Soft toilet paper. I will buy others if it's cheap enough, but I'll always be willing to pay more for Angel Soft.
- When you find a great deal stock up. This way you aren't paying full price for an item later. For example a few weeks ago I found a great deal on hand soap making it just $0.25. I could have bought just one but decided I would buy 5. This way I don't have to buy it again until it goes back on sale. You don't need to hoard a bunch of items. Just buy a few extra to last you so that you don't have to pay full price.
- Have fun. Don't stress out if a deal doesn't workout just like you had hoped. Sometimes things happen. If you get something and end up paying more than you wanted you can always return it.