Saturday, May 26, 2012

Springfield News Leader

I want to remind everyone that there will be NO coupons in the Sunday paper this week.

Also, I'm a little frustrated with the Springfield News Leader. I haven't bought a paper in a few weeks, I have heard that the price of the Sunday paper has INCREASED! GRR! Not only that, but now they are starting to charge for full access to their online content. Guess I will be reading my new stories elsewhere!

Here is a link that tells about the new charge for online content. There is not mention about the newsprint price increase. I will try to check that out and see how much it is.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

FREE Milk-Bone Dog Treats

Head over and request your free sample. I love getting free stuff in the mail. CLICK HERE

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Best Buy Reward Zone

I am so glad I noticed an e-mail from Best Buy this evening. Today was the last day to use my Best Buy rewards. We live an hour from the nearest Best Buy, but after checking I confirmed that my rewards could be used online! Sweet!

Not familiar with Best Buy Reward Zone? Her's how it works..

Pretty simple. For every dollar you spend at Best Buy you get 1 point. When you get to 250 points you get a gift certificate for $5. Sometimes items qualify for double points and extra points. Just depends on the promotion. Rewards are great because you earn them on stuff you were buying anyway. 

Last year at Christmas time hubby and I bought new Toshiba Thrive Tablets. Love It! Plus we bought some other Christmas gifts there as well. I printed out our reward certificate a couple months ago, but never had the chance to use it. So, when I discovered that it was going to expire after today I told hubby to find something to order. No sense in throwing away FREE money!

So I left the buying up to hubby. This is what he ordered me with our $15 in free Rewards.

A new light-up fan for my computer. - After my computer unexpectedly crashed the other day hubby noticed, among other things,  that my main fan was not working and was causing my computer to over-heat. We knew I needed a new fan, but money is tight with hubby not working, so it just wasn't going to happen.

An HDMI cable for my tablet- This will allow us to hook our tablets up to the TV. Just how cool is that. I'll now be able to check my blog on a 46' flat screen TV.

An adapter for my "new" video card- Hubby got a new video card months ago and was going to put his old one in my computer, but it required an adapter. Never wanting to spend the money on one, it has set in the box.

All this and FREE SHIPPING! 

YEAH! New stuff ALL FREE!

Do you have Best Buy Reward Zone Yet? Get it HERE..

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cheap Cookies!

These Nabisco coupons were floating around last week. The coupon was for $1 off of 2. Of course the picture showed the big packages of cookies but the coupon said ANY! The best deal is to use these coupons on a smaller size. These cookies To-Go packs were $1. By using the $1 off 2 coupon I was able to get them for $0.50. They make great snack for the kids, and the husband, and the containers are great to reuse snacks in later. I was able to get 8 packages for the cost of one package of cookies.

Here's the math..

Nabisco To-Go Cookies Reg $1
Use $1 off any 2 coupon
Total paid $0.50 per cup.