Monday, March 12, 2012

Which Costs Less Hand Washing or the Dishwasher??

 This post was made by SeMaNo Electric Cooperative. "Like" Them HERE
Fact or Fable? Using a Dishwasher Is More Expensive Than Hand Washing

This is a Fable. It is a common misconception that dishwashers are convenient, but use more water and energy than hand washing. In fact, dishwashers can help you to conserve water and save on energy bills.

Cleaning the average load of dishes in a dishwasher uses 37% less water than washing dishes by hand. This can save the typical household nearly 5,000 gallons of water per year. According to ENERGY STAR, the average household with an electric water heater saves $40 per year by using a dishwasher, and the average household
 Save Money and your hands! Use that dishwasher!


  1. I don't think it posted the whole story.

  2. Hmm after looking at the link it didn't have then end of the story. Didn't notice when I copied it.
