Tuesday, September 18, 2012

$5 Challange

I sometimes hear people complain that they can't coupon or build a stockpile because they don't have the money to buy anything extra. Trust me I understand that, but I promise you that you can build a stockpile with just $5 or less a week! I'm not kidding. Yes, it will take a little longer, but with just $5 you can have a well rounded stockpile in just a few months!

Most of us live in the real world. We aren't going to build our stockpiles with one large insane haul like on the popular TV shows. Guess what people.. That's TV! They spend months getting ready and the show insures that they have access to the very best coupons and LOTS of them. Again.. That's TV. This, my friends, is the real world.

I use lots and lots of coupons each and every week on items I use every single day, but when it comes to items I just need to "stock-up" on I try to limit my spending. Again, I want to note that I buy a lot of items that I donate or give away, but my point is you don't have to. You can build a stockpile for $5 a week!

What are the advantages of this method?
* You don't spend hours upon hours cutting out coupons and looking up sale items. You focus on just a couple items each week.
* You don't have to buy a bunch of Sunday papers. You can simply print them (for free) and use what you have.
* You build a stockpile slowly and you save money by having items on hand and NOT having to run to the store and pay ... full price.. gasp!

 I'm not done with my shopping for this week. I made a quick run to Dollar General and CountryMart tonight before class. There are several items that they didn't have that I want to pick up later this week, but here is a $5 example.

So lets talk about what you get. 
* 2 Bottles of Deodorant. So a good couple months worth, unless you are like me and put it on several times a day. lol
* 12 Razors. That should last awhile. These are better than the cheapo ones so honestly you are looking at a good 3-6 months. Longer depending on how long you use them. 
* 8 Sponges (they are 2 pack) So Again if you open one pack a month. They last awhile I run mine through the dishwasher to clean and sanitize them.
* Dental Floss. I use a lot of dental floss! Ever since my last few visits to the dentist I'm an avid dental floss fan. Just one package, so this isn't really a stock up but would last awhile.
* Kool-Aid this item isn't really a stock item for me as we use it really fast, BUT if you bought an extra 8 packs (on sale 8/$1 this week) you could have some extras stocked up.
* Cookie Mix. I use this as a stock up because I normally make homemade cookies, but these are GREAT to have around for a late night snack when hubby wants me to make some and I may be out of stuff to make them from scratch. 

RETAIL VALUE:  $24.50 
My Cost $5.50 (ya I know I went over $0.50) 

So, a few things to stock up on and maybe a few things that are everyday use. Either way you go is great. By only buying these items, you have saved almost $20 ($19 to be exact), you will have them on hand when you need them and have only spent $5.50.

 Now that you have a couple months worth of Razors, Deodorant, and Sponges, plus have a few extra treats, next week you can pick something else to stock up on.

Happy Shopping!

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