Let's pretend for a moment that you suddenly lost your job. That your family was suddenly without any income what so ever! What would you do?
Well, let me say for us.. this isn't pretend. This is reality! Last week my husband and the sole provider for our family lost his job. We have around $2000 worth of bills and zip, zero.. no income! I'll admit I'd scared to death! I don't know how we are going to make it, but I trust in God and I know we will.
Why is this important? Couponing has been a luxury. It's fun. It's like a game, but now it's life! If it isn't free I can't buy it.. plain and simple! The next few weeks, I'll try to do more blogging. Update my faithful readers on our situation and how we are going to survive this.. We will survive this.
As for now, it's couponing and living off my stockpile! My stockpile is like a convoy of hope! As most of you know I don't keep a real large stockpile as we make many donations and I only pay rock bottom for things.. My way of thinking and my stockpile may grow after this experience.
What I do know is that I won't have to purchase dish soap, toothpaste, razors, shaving creme, cake mixes, baby wipes, cleaning supplies, laundry soap, Body wash, band-aids, feminine products, Juice, cereal, and such.. for at least 6 months to a year. While this won't help us with our bills I can rest assure that my children will have food and basic necessities allowing for any money we make along the way to be used for bills alone. I'm so thankful to have my stockpile. I wish it were ten times as bis and filled with a much larger variety of items, but I'm thankful to have what I have.
Thank you all for your love, support and prayers. We're going to be okay, somehow.
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